FANSOTO : Social microfinance in Senegal

FANSOTO : Social microfinance in Senegal

In Casamance, ravaged by 30 years of armed conflict, insecurity in the villages has led to major population movements towards the towns (Ziguinchor and Bignona), in deprived semi-rural outlying districts lacking in infrastructure. Formal employment is extremely rare in these areas, and people survive by running small businesses, sewing workshops, livestock breeding, family farming for consumption, and so on. But without support, they find it hard to consolidate, develop and sustain this activity and generate a stable and sufficient income.

Entrepreneurship, a lever against extreme poverty

Since 2017, FANSOTO has been supporting vulnerable populations in the Ziguinchor and Matam regions in developing income-generating activities (IGAs). It offers them financial services (savings and microcredit) and non-financial services (training, follow-up and social support). 99% of these entrepreneurs are women. The support they receive enables them to emerge from an economy of survival into a life of projects.

2023 key figures

18 969
supported entrepreneurs


in rural areas

It works !

Je suis l’égale de mon mari !

J’ai obtenu un premier de 100 000 FCFA (152 €), sans garantie, alors que j’étais gravement malade. Ce prêt m’a permis de maintenir à flot ma trésorerie pendant la période où j’avais besoin d’acheter des médicaments. Ensuite, j’ai travaillé avec détermination pour rembourser ce prêt, en obtenir d’autres et développer mon commerce. Ça marche très bien aujourd’hui et j’épargne régulièrement.

Je participe aux charges de la famille et je deviens l’égale de mon mari ! Je veux continuer d’envoyer mes enfants à l’école pour qu’ils aient un bon avenir. Je voudrais aussi acheter un terrain et un vélo pour agrandir ma boutique et développer mon activité.

Khadidiatou CAMARA

Targeted social development goals

Fansoto partners