Daw Khin Khin Yi, a SOO beneficiary in Myanmar
Daw Khin Khin Yi is accompanied by Sont Oo Tehtwin (SOO), Entrepreneurs du Monde’s social microfinance program in Myanmar. She testifies.
“I was born in a village in the southern part of Yangon Region and I still live here. Ten years ago, my parents gave us 4 acres of field, so that we could start growing paddy with my husband. I have helped my parents since I am child. Today, I take care of my father who is living with us, my husband and our two boys. I don’t want them to take over our farm. Even if it’s the family farm, this activity is too hard. I want them to follow their own way.
The support of SOO, a social microfinance program
I first chose to take a loan with SOO, because the loan duration fits very well with the calendar of the paddy harvest. I have a “one bullet loan” of 380 €, so with a unique installment scheduled for January next year. I do appreciate the trainings facilitated by SOO. I remember a very instructive one about the importance to have a diverse diet.
I have always been a really hard-working person. When I was 15 years, I won the first prize at school. I am always looking for possibilities to improve my businesses. I buy the harvest from other farmers and sell it to the wholesalers. I also make some small profit with this activity. I belong to a group called Swe Taw, called orchid tree in English. It’s a tree which leaves have the shape of a heart. It represents very well our group, because we help each other a lot !
Les difficultés des activités agricoles
We really hope to have a good harvest because this situation is very difficult now. The limitations due to the COVID-19 crisis forced the markets to close and generated a fall in prices. The agricultural activity is very risky and uncertain. However, my living conditions have improved a lot since I am supported by SOO. I was able to generate some income, I bought another 7 acres and a water pump. On the future I want to continue to invest in my farming activity, probably to buy new field.