The essentials of our action in 2017

The essentials of our action in 2017

23 July 2018

Today, 2 billion people in the world are employed in the informal economy, accounting for 60% of the working population (85.8% in Africa). However, these women and men seldom exercise this type of activity by choice and are subject to an increased risk of poverty, precariousness or vulnerability*. That’s why for 20 years, our mission has been to support the socio-economic integration of these families and to facilitate their access to essential goods and services. They thus gain autonomy and improve their living conditions.

To fulfill our mission, we incubate local organizations

We help them to:

– define their vision, their mission, their social objectives, and their action principles

– set up tools and procedures for training, management and reporting

– build their governance and legal existence

– find the necessary financing over this period

– measure their social performance

In a 4 to 7-year period, these local organizations are fully equipped and structured, self-financed and led by teams completely involved in their vision and social mission from the start. Today, 18 organizations are incubating, 3 are autonomous and 4 are completely independent. This autonomy at all levels is only possible thanks to your support! THANK YOU to everyone for your generosity!

*Reference: Report of the International Labor Organization of April 2018: Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A Statistical Picture

Planisphere 2017


Each of our actions in 2017

Social microfinance

In order to contribute towards improving food security and slowing down the rural exodus, the decision was made during the 2016-2021 strategic planning sessions to give priority to isolated rural populations. A major effort was undertaken in 2017 to provide them with access to relevant services.

Two major steps forward are worth noting:
• Recruitment of an agronomist based in Guinea to provide support to the 5 MFI1 in Western Africa with developing agricultural training and offering loans with payment deferred until after harvest.
• Initiating support for the SCPI programme in the Philippines, which assists village communities living far from towns and the services they rely on.

Furthermore, we have firmly supported the corporate structuring of WAKILI in Guinea and FANSOTO in Senegal. Established in 2016, these programs disbursed their first loans during the first quarter of 2017 and each already supports more than a thousand micro-entrepreneurs. In terms of the more mature organisations, we have helped them to strengthen their governance, in order to move from the project status to that of an entity progressing towards autonomy.

Support to very small businesses

In Haiti, our programme “Say Yes! To Business” has continued to develop its mission and structure its organisation. The team has set up an Entrepreneurship and Employment Office through which it has offered Entrepreneurship training to its first two classes. The 39 trainees participated in 16 modules over 3 months and were able to meet and exchange with experienced entrepreneurs.

The most motivated beneficiaries later received individual support with drafting a business plan for their future undertaking. The team also trained 137 students within local vocational schools on the creation of VSBs.

The real innovation for 2017 has been the impetus provided to duplicate this action in Western Africa (Burkina Faso, Senegal, Togo) ! In Burkina Faso, the team has already been recruited and has prepared its action plan, which will be carried out in partnership with vocational training centres, businesses, financial institutions and public programmes.

Access to energy

In 2017, we campaigned against energy poverty thanks to a programme that was 100% rural-based (Cambodia), another predominantly rural based programme (Burkina Faso) and three principally urban-based programmes (Philippines, Togo and Haiti).

We have also provided families living in the slums of Manila with innovative solar kits, which are pioneering in terms of technological and financial advantages. They provide 3 sources of light, a USB port for recharging a phone and they are activated for a few hours at a low cost. The Pay-as-you-Go scheme allows families to benefit from this equipment with no down payment and to pay only for what they need. Testing in Manila was extremely successful and we shall duplicate this model in other countries. We have also introduced large cooking stoves to our range, to meet the needs of numerous street food vendors and other agricultural processors.

To ease access to this equipment, we have implemented partnerships with MFI capable of providing energy loans to beneficiaries.

Reports from the field

Jean Farreau Guerrier, Country coordinator in Haïti.

I’ve always believed that handouts don’t help anyone to prosper, and that it’s much better to provide them with intelligent, lasting aid that leads to wealth creation. This is what I’ve been doing confidently with Entrepreneurs du Monde since 2010!
We give hope back to the poorest, we get them back on their feet. Our financial helping hand allows them to start a business, while our training and support help them to develop “know-how”. Together this gives them self-confidence, the ability to take action for themselves, and the belief that they can change their situation and climb a few steps up the social ladder. I’m very proud of this!

Hélène Chéron-Kientéga, Country coordinator in Burkina Faso

From breaking through the 10,000 savers barrier for YIKRI, to the revitalisation of the programme jointly developed with the L’Occitane Foundation, Nafa Naana’s official conversion into a social enterprise, and the creation of the EMERGENCE programme... The team (currently more than 100 Burkinabés) has accomplished a monumental amount of work in 2017! The persistent terrorist threat is exacerbating the insecurity of this country which, nonetheless, is actively engaged in development. But our actions are effective and tailored towards the needs of the people of Burkina Faso. Please help me to continue these activities: keep supporting Burkina Faso!

Victorine, ASSILASSIMÉ micro-entrepreneur and MIVO vendor

I joined ASSILASSIME a year ago to develop my commercial activity and I don’t regret it. The training courses are really interesting and they’re helping me manage my activities well. In the last few months I’ve also been selling lamps and MIVO stoves. They’re good quality, with a two-year guarantee, allowing us to save! The representative provides me with flyers to help me inform customers – I note my name and phone number on these and they call me back. I’m selling well!