ATE Co : Acces to energy in the Philippines

ATE Co : Acces to energy in the Philippines

While the rate of access to electricity is 98% in towns, it is only 41% in more rural areas. This lack of reliable, costeffective energy worsens the living conditions of the rural poor and makes it difficult to develop incomegenerating activities. So, to light up, work and reduce the feeling of insecurity, some use candles, kerosene lamps, car batteries or generators. Others illegally connect to a more fortunate neighbor’s meter. But these plan B are insufficient, expensive and very dangerous.

ATE Co : helping the poorest gain access ton solar energy

ATE Co (Access to Energy for Communities), created by Entrepreneurs du Monde in 2015, deploys two flexible, economical and sustainable energy access models:
1- Pay-as-you-go (PAYG): this hire-purchase service enables customers to gradually finance their equipment (from solar lanterns to kits that can power several large electrical appliances).
2- Solar microgrids: energy is produced in large quantities, distributed according to the needs of each household and billed according to consumption.

Today, ATE Co serves almost exclusively rural communities. It improves their living and working conditions, helping to stem the rural exodus.

Key figures

7 130

of satisfied families

1 188
equipment sold

It works !

With electricity, I doubled my sales!

When I was very young, I was already doing my mother’s and sisters’ nails. After school, I started by helping my parents on their farm, but I always dreamed of working in a beauty salon. When my husband was made redundant, I decided to start my own home salon to support our family while he found another job.

The light from the ATE CO. solar kit enabled me to work in the evenings, when customers were getting off work. What’s more, the solar-powered fan and TV made waiting more comfortable. So it wasn’t long before more and more women came in for haircuts and nails, not just from next-door neighbors, but also from the next-door village. Today, my husband is back in work, but the salon remains the family’s main source of income. I’ve been able to take on an apprentice and plan to train one of my daughters soon.

This will enable us to offer other services to customers: make-up, snacks, home interventions, and maybe even open a small cosmetics boutique. I’ve got lots of ideas!

Carmen LOPEZ

Installation and financing

ATE Co’s technicians install PAYG kits and solar microgrids that provide free, unlimited, renewable, quality lighting.

PAYGo is a prepaid service: payments trigger the activation of solar kits via the receipt of an SMS code. In just a few months, the family becomes the owner of its kit.

Families connected to microgrids, on the other hand, pay after consumption and do not become owners. Microgrids are seen as a means of electrification, and are set up in partnership with government electricity cooperatives.

Sustainable development goals

ATECo partners