Mivo Energie : Acces to energy in Togo

Mivo Energie : Acces to energy in Togo

The use of rudimentary cooking and lighting equipment has dramatic economic, health and environmental consequences. The poorest people spend a large part of their budget on it, inhaling noxious fumes that claim as many victims every year as AIDS and malaria combined. What’s more, the massive use of biomass for cooking on this inefficient equipment contributes to deforestation. Finally, fuel poverty particularly affects women: they are responsible for supplying wood and charcoal, and are the most exposed to toxic fumes.

MIVO Energie facilitates access to modern, affordable energy

Since 2013, MIVO Energie has been facilitating access for all to modern, efficient equipment: solar lamps, gas stoves and improved, fuel-efficient wood/coal stoves. These solar kits and stoves have an immediate impact on health, the budget and the environment. Improved stoves reduce wood and charcoal consumption and the emission of noxious fumes. Gas stoves, on the other hand, completely eliminate both.

2023 key figures

6 971
equiped families

1,6 M€
saved by families

27 Kt
CO2 emissions avoided

It works !

I can prepare more dishes and serve them hot at any time!

I’m a mother and a street cook. When my daughter was born, I wanted to gain a certain autonomy and invested in food ingredients and cooking equipment. Before, I used to cook with charcoal. It took hours and the fumes made me cough.

Cooking with gas saves me a lot of time and lung disease. I can prepare more dishes and serve them hot at any time. My business is growing and my income is becoming regular, which is gradually leading me towards the autonomy I dream of.

Yawa Domanou

A network for the last mile

MIVO Energie has built up a range of solar lamps and stoves with beneficiaries. It has created a brand and social marketing materials, and organizes awareness-raising campaigns.
Upstream, it supports local craftsmen who produce stoves.
Downstream, it selects and trains resellers and forges partnerships with associations and groups to rapidly serve a large number of families.
It also provides logistics and after-sales service, and facilitates access to equipment through financial services (energy tontine, energy credit) available from 17 partner micro-finance institutions.

Mivo Energie partners