Ablavi, a Mivo Energie reseller in Togo
“I was born into a nine-child family, and managed to become a qualified laboratory technician. After graduation I was out of work for a long time, which led me to self-employment: I sold fish that I bought in Benin.
Committed to people living with HIV
Eventually I got a job as a technician at the university hospital and I stayed there for 10 years. Aids was starting to claim victims and people at my church, especially those already infected, were asking for my advice because I was a laboratory technician.I sent them to the appropriate care centres. The improvement in their quality of life became clear and I got more and more involved, to the point where I set up ACAD Togo, of which I am the current director.
Determined to give access to energy
One day, the MIVO Energie* team visited ACAD and gave us a demonstration of their solar lamps and improved stoves. I was impressed by the efficiency and the economic and social impact of the products and I decided to become a distributor! I signed an attractive and flexible distribution contract which allowed me to stock a decent number of Mivo lamps and stoves for sale at ACAD’s head office straight away, and also to sell them door-to-door and at meetings held by groups I am a member of.
Highly involved
I asked MIVO Energie for an awareness raising session for a group of 252 people, and it had a good impact. The lamps sell most quickly, because the service provided by the state electricity company is mediocre. I’ve had nothing but positive feedback from my customers and I would travel the whole country to promote MIVO Energie products if I were asked to!
Heading towards innovation
This business provides me with additional income and allows me to put money aside. In order to increase my sales, I want to organise regular awareness raising sessions and to add innovative products to my range. So, I am setting a challenge for the MIVO team: When are you going to develop gas stoves, solar ventilators, solar freezers, and even solar panels for radios and televisions?”
*MIVO Energie: Entrepreneurs du Monde’s local programme