Palmis Mikwofinans Sosyal : Social microfinance in Haïti

Palmis Mikwofinans Sosyal : Social microfinance in Haïti

In Haiti, regularly shaken by the vagaries of climate and politics, the economy has difficulty structuring itself and developing; salaried jobs are rare. So, to survive, poor but enterprising men and women start up a fruit stall, a sewing workshop, a street restaurant, etc., with next to nothing. But to develop and consolidate these businesses, and turn them into real leverage against poverty, they are sorely lacking in training and capital.

Comprehensive support on the road to autonomy

Since 2003, Entrepreneurs du Monde has been supporting Palmis Mikwofinans Sosyal (PMS), a microfinance institution with a strong social vocation, to provide micro-entrepreneurs with basic services (credit, savings, training, social support) and help them develop their income-generating activities and lift their families out of extreme poverty.

2023 key figures

living in rural areas


219 €
average loan

It works !

My business is growing and I’m saving!

I’m a shopkeeper and I sell my products from home. Thanks to PMS, I’ve obtained a dozen loans and my business has grown. I also receive training and support from the social worker.

Recently, I had some administrative problems and the social worker helped me with the paperwork. I’m very grateful! My business is growing and so is my income. I’m saving and I’ve been able to pay my medical bills and even buy land to build a house. My 23-year-old daughter is my pride and joy: I raised her on my own, and now she’s studying abroad!

Rose Nadine Saint Cyr

Comprehensive support

Based in local branches, the team provides these vulnerable entrepreneurs with access to

– an individual savings account
– unsecured loans to develop their income-generating activities, and to purchase a solar lighting kit and/or a modern, energy-efficient cooking stove.
– training: in management and sales, but also in health, agriculture and the environment, women and child protection, etc.
– social support to resolve specific difficulties (health, schooling, family problems, etc.).

Palmis Mikwofinans Sosyal partners